Treasure Coast Beekeepers Association
"Learn N' Earn" Your First Hive
We are currently updating the program. While in development, program requirements may change without notice.
Check back for new updates.
"Learn N' Earn" Your First Hive
We are currently updating the program. While in development, program requirements may change without notice.
Check back for new updates.
Thank you for signing up to be part of our Learn N' Earn hive giveaway program.
In order to participate, you need to be three things:
1. Without bees
2. A paid current member (1 hive per membership)
3. Willing to split this hive (when necessary) and donate the split to the next eligible club member who has met the full program requirements.
By participating you will:
1. Receive a minimum of 20 hours (required) hands on learning at the club apiary. You may continue to come as often as you like with your membership.
2. Learn to identify the common components of a hive.
3. Learn to identify the different types of bees; workers, drones, queen, as well as the egg, larval stages and capped brood.
4. Learn to identify pollen, bee bread, nectar and honey.
5. Understand what a dearth is and feeding options.
6. Understand swarms and the different ways to split a colony.
7. Learn to properly conduct a sugar shake and an alcohol wash for varroa testing.
Final Program Requirements:
1. Participate in at least two Club Events. (This is a great way to meet members and learn about bees).
2. Have all your equipment. Please refer to the list below.
3. Submit a picture and/or discuss the location you would like to place your hive in your yard. Please familiarize yourself with the guidelines to keeping Honey Bees and how to register your bees in the State of Florida.
4. Register your bees with the Dept. of Agriculture
When you and your home apiary are ready:
Your bees, with a laying queen, will be ready to move into your backyard.
If you are new to beekeeping, please take the time to become familiar with the equipment and basic care of Honey Bees. See the following Care Sheet and get in touch with us if you are unsure what to do.
Your bees will be a Nucleus Colony (5 frames) of bees, brood, honey, pollen, and mated queen. Your bees will need to be transferred into a larger box soon. We will ask you to return the empty Nucleus box along with 5 frames after you transfer the bees.
Equipment List:
Deep hive body (assembled and painted)
10- 9 5/8 frames assembled (with foundation)
Bottom Board (screened or solid)
Safety Gear- smoker, hive tool, gloves, hat & veil, jacket or full suit -(optional- you can wear light colored clothing if you prefer)
Helpful Info/Care Sheet:
Your bees will be a Nucleus Colony. They will need to be transferred into a bigger hive soon. You can choose an 8 or 10 frame size, the frames will be Deep Hive Body size 9 5/8. You will need a bottom board, lid and additional frames, safety gear and any additional equipment you feel necessary. Everything will need to be assembled and the hive body will need to be painted and ready to use when you receive your Nucleus Colony. We will ask you to return the Nucleus Box as well as 5 deep frames with foundation.
Your bees will require care, including a fresh water source and need to be fed when there is a lack of forage. Please read about these topics and be prepared.
You will need to register your bees with the Florida Department of Agriculture. The guidelines to keeping Honey Bees in the State of Florida are on their website under the Apiary Division. Please become familiar with the requirements so you will be prepared to register and be inspected once you get your bees. Once you have your equipment ready you will need to pick the location for your colony. Please refer to the FDACS guidelines as well as speaking with club members. you will need to create a space off the ground using what you desire (pallet, fence posts, cinder blocks, etc...). This is where you will place your Nucleus colony after pick-up. After placement, remove the foam in the entrance to allow the bees their entrance and sufficient ventilation. Please allow the Colony several days to several weeks before transferring the Colony to minimize stress on the bees.
If you need help, just ask, we are happy to assist.
Please print two copies to bring with you.